The Bay Ridge Rod and Gun Club, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation founded in 1954 and incorporated in the State of New York in 1956. Its headquarters is located in Brooklyn, New York, next to the former site of the historical Fortway Theatre.
- To encourage the membership in the sports of fishing, hunting and shooting.
- To cultivate the spirit of good fellowship among its members and to establish a center of work and interest for the members.
- To encourage organized sports fishing, archery, shotgun, rifle and pistol shooting competition among the members of the community, with a specific purpose of enlightening these individuals on the safe handling of the above and to improve marksmanship.
- It shall be our further objective and purpose to further the development of these characteristics of honesty, tolerance, equality, good fellowship, self-discipline, team play, and self reliance which are essentials of good sportsmanship and the sound action of true patriotism.